At Three Green Pea, your privacy is very important to us. We have a few fundamental principles that we follow. Read this carefully, so you know your rights.

Three Green Pea is committed to respecting and protecting the privacy rights of all our online customers. For a better shopping experience, it is recommended for you to read and understand our privacy policy before you make any purchase(s). By shopping at our store, you agree to the collection and use of your information.

Personal Data Protection

a. While visiting or ordering from the site, we may ask you to register with us and/or provide personal information, including but not limited to, among other things, your name, mailing address, contact number, email address, date of birth, gender, order information, payment information, credit card details or other information that could be used to contact you that you may disclose for purposes of shopping with us. These data are used as information that the customer has electronically signed the contract entered between the customer and Three Green Pea.

b. For your understanding, this information gathered during your visit might be used to analyse for trends and statistics for our own internal business decisions to bring you the best shopping trends. Three Green Pea will only track statistics for business purposes.


a. By subscribing to Three Green Pea’s emailer, it allows you to receive first-hand information about new product launches, event happenings and any special promotions etc.

b. At any point in time if you do not wish to receive any further information from us and you wish to be removed from the Three Green Pea mailing list, kindly email “UNSUBSCRIBE” to or click on the unsubscribe link sent in the mailers. Asking to be removed from Three Green Pea’s mailing list will not prevent you from receiving email communications relating to any online order you placed on Three Green Pea site, requests to participate in surveys about our products and services or other operational e-mail communications.

c. We will not divulge your personal information, email address, credit card information to any third parties site without your permission unless you have requested or authorized us to do so. Unless otherwise required for internal business operations or by the law, Three Green Pea does not disclose your personal information to third parties.


a. A cookie is a small file that is stored on your hard drive. By registering an account with us, your computer will store an identifying cookie by remembering your email add, saving you time each time you log into our store. If you wish to prevent cookies from being stored on your computer, you can change the settings on your browser.

Three Green Pea reserves the right to amend the terms from time to time without prior notice. If you have any clarifications, kindly email us at